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  • Use PdSe2 polycrystalline ultrathin films prepared from silicon nitride membrane for differential pr

    two professors used the silicon nitride membrane independently developed and produced by YW MEMS (Suzhou) as the carrier in their research, and patterned the Pd coating on the flat and clean silicon nitride film by magnetron sputtering.

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  • Research on Chiral Interfacial Spin-Orbitronics using Multilayer Structures by Tsinghua University

    Recently, Professor Wanjun Jiang research group, State Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Physics and Quantum Information Frontier Science Center, Department of Physics from Tsinghua University, took the lead in realizing perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in rare earth permanent magnet SmCo5 thin film materials through interface optimization and nano film preparation technology. The researc

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  • Nano Energy:Advanced transferring of large-area freestanding graphene film by using fullerenes

    silicon nitridemembrane

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  • Unveiling the role of surface P–O group in P-doped Co3O4 for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution by On

    Xunbiao Zhou, Xiaobin Liao, Xuelei Pan, Mengyu Yan, Liang He, Peijie Wu, Yan Zhao, Wen Luo, Liqiang Mai...Nano EnergyVolume 83, May 2021, 105748

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  • Highly Nitridated Graphene–Li 2 S Cathodes with Stable Modulated Cycles

    Yongcai Qiu, Genlan Rong, Jie Yang , Guizhu Li, Shuo Ma, Xinliang Wang, Zhenghui Pan, Yuan Hou, Meinan Liu...Advanced Energy Materials Volume 5, Issue 23

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  • Thermal generation, manipulation and thermoelectric detection of skyrmions

    Zidong Wang, Minghua Guo, Heng-An Zhou, Le Zhao,Teng Xu, Riccardo Tomasello, Hao Bai, Yiqing Dong...Nature ElectronicsVolume 3, pages672–679(2020)

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